Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What day will my recycling be picked up?
A. Recycling is picked up the same day as your scheduled day for household garbage.
Q. Do I have to use an orange recycle bag in order to recycle?
A. Orange bags have better visibility and improves our collection efficiency. Also if you do not use an orange recycle bag we may think you are not participating in the City's Recycle Program, even though the items you have placed out for pick up may be recyclable, an orange bag will not be left.
Q. If I set out one (1) bag will I only get one (1) new bag after my recycling is picked up?
A. Yes, the amount of orange recycle bags that are picked up determines the amount of orange recycle bags that will be left.
Q. Who do I contact in order to get an extra orange recycle bag?
A. Contact the Sanitation Department if you need an extra orange recycle bag and we will have one delivered for your convenience or you may go to the Public Works buidling and pick one up.
Q. What do I do if my recycling is not picked up on my scheduled day?
A. The Sanitation Department has different trucks that run at different times of the day if your recycling has not been picked up by 2:00 on your scheduled day please contact the Sanitation Department.