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Easter Bunny Visits Park!

                     Enterprise City Parks and Recreation
                   Hosted the City's Annual Easter Egg Hunt 
                     Saturday, March 26, 2005


Approximately 100 children participated in this year's Easter Egg Hunt. Prizes were awarded in 4 age groups that included ages Newborn to 1, 2 to 3, 4 to 6, and 7 to 9 years. Prizes were donated by area businesses such as Cutts Restaurant, Church's Chicken, Batter's Up Batting Cages, and  Wal Mart. Enterprise Mayor, Kenneth Boswell, was on hand throughout the festivities and assisted with the awarding of the prizes to those who won in several categories. These categories included the Golden Egg, the Most Eggs, and the Least Eggs in each age group. The Parks and Recreation Department is already looking forward to next year's Easter Egg Hunt which will be held the Saturday before Easter. See you there


                                                 Waiting is always the hard part!
                               Still waiting . . . still waiting . . . still waiting . . .
                     Waiting and waiting and then . . . HURRAH!    We run to the eggs!
                  Where are they? Where is the Golden Egg? How many do I have?
              Run quick . . . quick!                                             Now for the winners!!
                                                  Winners, winners, winners!!!
                                                          Prizes, prizes, prizes!!!
                                      Fun and laughter . . . family and friends!!!

                                                  What a truly wonderful day! 

                       Please come join us next year for the Great Easter Egg Hunt!
