Approximately 740 public entities particiapte in one or both of the Alabama League of Municipalities (ALM) sponsored insurance programs which are the Municipal Workers Compensation Fund (MWCF) and the Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation (AMIC). The Board of Directors of both insurance programs approved the establishment of a Risk Management Award system in 2002 and the City of Enterprise has received this award each year. The award system recognizes those members who have instituted risk management and loss control activities in effort to reduce their loss ratio. Risk management and loss control activities not only benefit the member's loss ratio but also the overall success of the League sponsored insurance programs. Through the efforts of the City of Enterprise, employee, property, and liability losses are being minimized and - most importantly - employees and citizens are reaping the rewards of a safer workplace and community.
Recipients of the President's Risk Management Award, which included the top 5% of the those members with minimal loses for a five year period, received a specially designed memento. Three additional levels of achievement - Gold, Silver, and Bronze - were also acknowledged and then a plate to be attached to the plaque for subsequent years. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels were for loss ratios of below 5%, 5% - 20%, and 20% - 40%, respectively.
The Alabama Leavue of Municipalities was organized in 1935 and has served since that time as the recognized voice of the cities and towns in Alabama. Through the years, the organization has steadily grown and now serves 444 municipalities. This voluntary membership brings officials of cities and towns together in fellowship of public service - which strengthens and guides local government in a progressive, responsible fashion. The primary purpose of the Alabama League of Municipalities is to promote understanding of municipal government and administration in Alabama and thereby advance the welfare of the people of this state.