The convention began on May 22nd with day-long sessions geared specifically for municipal attorneys. On Sunday afternoon, officials convened for a special Resolutions Committee meeting where delegates were presented reports and policy recommendations for the League's five standing committees: Finance, Administration and International Governmental Relations; Energy, Environment and Natural Resources; Transportation, Public Safety and Communication; Human Development; and Community and Economic Development. Resolutions on state and federal issues were also discussed and prepared for presentation to voting delegates at the annual Business Session held Tuesday, May 25th.
During the Opening General Session on Monday morning, conference attendees were addressed by Mayor Dan Williams of Athens, then-President of the League, and Selectman Charlie Lyons of Arlington, MA, and President of the National League of Cities. Following the Opening Session, Dr. Willie Larkin of the Larkin Consulting Group inspired and entertained delegates with his presentation "Reaching for the Stars: A Blueprint for Leaving a Lasting Legacy." Governor Bob Riley addressed delegates during the luncheon. That afternoon, numerous concurrent sessions were held on topics such as: The Alabama Mutual Aid System; Clay Firewise Program; Operation Grateful Heart; Managing Budgetary Pressures; Bankruptcy Fundamentals – How Creditor's Rights are Affected by a Consumer or Business Bankruptcy; The Role of Municipal Officials in the 2004 Elections; Hiring and Retention of Good Police Officers; Understanding Mental Health; and Planning in Three Dimensions – Urban Design.
On Tuesday, May 25, elected municipal officials, city clerks and city administrators from small, medium and large cities met in separate rooms of the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex to network and learn from each other. Each Round Table discussion was led by a League attorney who was available to answer questions and participate in the group discussion.
The convention concluded that evening with a banquet at which Distinguished Service Awards for municipal employees with 20 years of service were presented and League Officers were installed. In 2005, the League's convention will be held in Huntsville May 21 through 24.
Municipal Officials participating in the League's Certified Municipal Officials (CMO) program received credit towards their certification for attending concurrent sessions during the convention.
The Alabama League of Municipalities was organized in 1935 and has served since that time as the recognized voice of the cities and towns in Alabama. Through the years, the organization has steadily grown and now serves 443 municipalities. This voluntary membership brings officials of cities and towns together in fellowship of public service – which strengthens and guides local government in a progressive, responsible fashion. The primary purpose of the League is to promote understanding of municipal government and administration in Alabama and thereby advance the welfare of the people of this state.