Facts and Info


Room Sizes


Seating Capacity


Rental Charges


Miscellaneous Charges


Room Sizes

Room Length Width Room Size
Main Room 65 feet 37 feet 2405 square feet
Main Room - Stage 14 feet 24 feet 336 square feet
Promenade Room 31 feet 32 feet 992 square feet

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Seating Capacity

Main Room Promenade Room
Banquet style up to 184 people Banquet style up to 60 people
Theatre style up to 199 people Theatre style up to 68 people

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 Rental Charges

Main Room Charges
Commercial-Minimum of 5 hours $75.00
Every additional hour $15.00
Civic-Minimom of 5 hours $52.50
Every additional hour $10.50
Promenade Room Charges
Commercial-Minimum of 3 hours $15.00
Every additional hour $4.50
Civic-Minimum of 3 hours $12.00
Every additional hour $3.25

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 Miscellaneous Charges

All functions at the Civic Center, scheduled by any person or group, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and midnight require an Enterprise police officer for security.

Fee for a minimum of 5 hours $75.00
Decoration Fee Charges
Decoration Fee per hour $6.00
Miscellaneous Fees Charges
Snack Bar (Concession Stand) $15.00
Steam Table $15.00
Punch Fountain $15.00
Piano $15.00

Place Setting
(Place setting include table cover, napkin, silverware, plate, salad bowl, and tea glass)

$0.60 per person
Business License #
If your event requires a business license, please contact Melissa Maledy at the revenue office at 334-348-2606

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Small conference rooms available for up to 10 people